
"Amanda truly has a gift of holding space in service of other women, and I know it’s not a random gift, but one that’s been forged in fire. I didn’t have low expectations of this LIVE event, per se, but I was still happily surprised at the new information I gained through the teaching portion of Womb Terrain. Amazing how women can go decades with incorrect understanding of their anatomy. At the very least, this sheds light on the chronic disconnect so many women, including myself, experience in their bodies. It’s obviously more complicated and nuanced than just facts, but if we have gotten the mere basics wrong, how much more is there to learn and heal from? If Womb Terrain is calling your name, go for it. Get more dissatisfied with where you are. Not in a masculine, striving sort of way, but a “I know I was made for more than my current experience in my one precious life” sort of way. I was so passive about my healing, and embodiment doesn’t drop into our laps. It takes our participation, and this is a wonderful starting point of both solid education and integration."
Brenda K.

"This class was nothing short of mind blowing and took me through a roller coaster of emotions. I was angry at not knowing things about my body, sad that I’ve neglected my womb and Yoni space, and I’m happy/excited to have this new beautiful relationship with her. I’ve read many books about anatomy, pleasure, and sensuality. But experiencing this has been the integration I haven’t gotten from those. Amanda walked us slowly and step by step through multiple processes. She is patient, soothing, and knowledgeable. She’s got a gift at holding Feminine space and empowering you at the same time. This class was priceless. I’m so grateful to have this come into my life at the perfect time. I am a more empowered and turned on woman! I’m proud of myself for showing up."

"The "fingers-in" portion was a bittersweet experience. I cried knowing that someone else (my current/past partners) knew this part of my body better than I did. I cried because of how sacred this part of me is but I had neglected for so long. I cried because she had so much to say to me. I cried because of how beautiful she felt, how much depth she has, and how much intimacy, safety, and trust I felt through connecting with her. With every tear I cried, I released years of shame and old stories. With every tear I cried, I healed and came home to myself.
You are worth it. I promise you, it's worth investing in yourself. Even if you think you know a lot of this already, you will gain so much from this experience. Even if you don't feel like you're ready for something like this, you are. You're seeing this for a reason. This is your sign. You are ready. If you weren't, you wouldn't be reading this. This is next-level, deep, somatic healing. And this is what the world needs more of. Do it for you. Do it for the women before you who never had this opportunity. Do it for you daughters, granddaughters, and all the women who will come after you. Do it for the women who will never get to experience this. Because when one woman heals, she heals the whole."
Sarahly Avilez

"The experience of becoming reconnected with my womb has been a sacred one. The journey is full of all the emotions that I could possibly feel. The education of simple anatomy is very rich, don't be fooled like I was into thinking I knew about my body and that the education part will be boring or unneeded.. it is fascinating! Amanda is truly gifted at holding space while gently compelling me to go deep and experience all that my body wants to heal. It's truly a gift, this class."
Beth Hershberger

"Throughout the class I was able to connect deeper with myself and honor everything that I am. I was able to tune into things that I didn't realize I was holding in my womb energetically. Learning about my anatomy was AMAZING! I can't believe I was NEVER taught all of this information as a little girl. I am so grateful for Amanda's energy and how she was able to hold space. I felt so comfortable with everything that we did. Just by being who she is and speaking her truth I was able to be open and vulnerable with myself and I am sooooo GRATEFUL!
Doing the "hands-in" segment was the most amazing experience! To be able to self touch to only connect with my very being, and to know how she works, and what she feels like is something I never have thought about doing before and I was seriously missing out! A lot of emotions came up for me, from trauma emotions to so much joy. I feel like by just connecting and honoring what was coming up I was able to release what I had been holding in for so long. I am definitely going to make this a practice for myself so that I can connect to HER."
Kimberly Rico

"Amanda has the gift of holding gentle space. She invited us into discovery, honesty and belonging. I felt a spaciousness to explore and process in ways I had not experienced before. It was a beautiful realization that I can access that spaciousness whenever I need to! So grateful. The hands on segment invited me to be more patient with myself than I typically would be. It required intentionality to focus and be present, but was so worth the intentionality. YOU ARE WORTHY OF THIS."
Christi Oberholzer

"This experience was so eye opening or should I say vulva opening? :) It was astonishing to learn and see as a grown adult all that I feel like I should have known when I was a teen but was never taught! A very gentle pace set by Amanda who follows her intuition, during the class adjusting for each indiviadual. The slowness and being gentle with ourselves is so needed in this world. The hands in segment wasn't as intimidating as I thought it would be, being with other woman over Zoom. It was so well done and gentle. I learned so much about my beautiful vulva/vagina. I had a very positive, healing hands on/in practice. Being with other women from all different walks of life definitely enhanced the practice, the chance to listen, observe, share, and to relate with other women is so powerful and healing."

"As we got started, I had a keen sense of the women in my ancestral line and I knew I was there in this space to heal their pain as well as my own. I felt a great honor to be entrusted with this sacred time for them as well as for myself. As we progressed, I felt a lot of heat which I took as fire burning out any shame and trauma (medical or otherwise) that had been my experience. There was a deep sense of healing and restoration of my relationship with my womb and yoni, of forgiving and of accepting forgiveness."

"I felt I had a strong knowledge base of female anatomy but what I discovered was that much of what I had learned in college were discoveries from men, rather than women themselves. I was quite surprised and so grateful for how much more I learned. Along with that, it is one thing to know the anatomy of my body.. but it is a whole new world to EXPERIENCE my body. Instead of seeing my yoni through the eyes of judgement, I saw her through rose color glasses.. literally... she looked like a rose 🌹 opening up and blossoming. For the first time, I saw her as genuinely beautiful. For the first time, I explored a part of myself that I had never known before. Not in this way, at least. I met myself so vulnerably and intimately. I leaned into the both the pleasure and discomfort. I gave my womb and yoni a voice. A chance to finally be heard. In doing so, I created so much more trust and safety within myself and my body. Healing so much of the disconnect that I was experiencing. I got to know myself on such a deeper level (literally 😉). And the best part of this is all was that I didn't have to do it alone. I felt so supported and held. Every woman deserves to experience herself in this way. This is how we heal ourselves, the women who have come before us, and every woman who will come after us."

" I wanted to practice holding more space for my body, and experience greater freedom in my sexuality. One of my favorite moments was during a meditation or breath work session, when I realized that I felt spaciousness and safety within my body. That was so precious to me! 5 out of 5 stars."

"I have experienced a lot of awareness on how my womb reacts to things. I noticed how literally everything affects me and I have been able to take it all on. I now always have this urge to connect with her ALL the time and I am learning so many ways to do so. I feel like I have this burst of creation that has been wanting to come out for so long. I feel very creating and ready to create new things in my life, which is truly amazing since I have had a creative block for some time now.
Trust YOU, be open to connecting with YOU, receive from YOU and honor HER"

"I was held in a beautiful space of love and acceptance with a wonderful sense of having room for whatever came up. There was no fear of being too much, which has been a constant in my life. Amanda's gift of compassion and strength unlocked some tightly held traumas, and immediately after the session I felt lighter and more free, like a flower that is just letting go of all of life that has kept it from blooming. My body physically manifested trauma release and I can feel the new softness and sensitivity, and it feels like only the start!"

"The “fingers in” segment was surprisingly hard...as soon as we went in my ego wanted to be done. I felt some dull physical pain and struggled with being patient. Amanda gave amazing tips and prompts to empower me to work through my emotions and unwanted thoughts. Constant reminders to breathe the whole time, encouraging us to vocalize. Humming was my favorite and really grounded me through to the end. I can’t imagine doing this healing practice without a guide. I plan on continuing to keep honoring and de-armoring my body."
B. Jesup

"I'm feeling so much more open to receive in a lot of different areas of my life but especially with HER (my vulva). Releasing old stories and healing HER pain. Being open to new ways..."

"It is absolutely worth it, this will change you and the way you view and love your body. I have so much gratitude that I took this class, and encourage all women to do it. Healing on so many levels, my hope is for mothers to pass along to daughters the next generation, it is so needed in this world!"

"Just do it. Yes it'll be uncomfortable. Yes you'll have other things you could be doing instead of sitting in a class. Yes you'll feel silly at times. The cost of cutting through the excuses is a small price to pay for the knowledge an d experience and self empowerment you'll receive for your vulnerability."

"The womb mapping experience was once again all things in one experience. From numbness, to physical discomfort, to pleasure, and emotional floodgates opening up it was all that. After a day or two of integrating I was shocked at the ease of which I was communicating with my body. How welcome your experience is, whatever that may be, is such a healing gift!"

"I’ve released shame for my Yoni. Which means I feel lighter. I keep lovingly reminding myself that- This is simply a body part AND it’s also so sacred and innocent....I don’t think she’s ugly anymore. I actually think she’s beautiful, strong, and makes me happy. It feels good to not be at war with myself."

"If you’re not tapped into your Yoni power this experience is for you. Especially if you feel the call to activate and heal the power between your legs."

"Physically my body manifested through sounds and movement. It was an interesting experiment of being aware of your physical body amidst such intense emotions coming up. Due to being in a few embodiment sessions with Amanda previously I was able to not get swept up in the emotions of it only, but to feel physically my body was feeling. That was a wonderful, healing experience for me. The level of relaxation my body must have been in to allow itself to manifest so unhindered speaks wonders to how regulated Amanda's nervous system is and how mine mirrored hers in this session. It was certainly one of the most healing moments of my life."

"I hardly have words. I felt a lot of things but one of my favorite things was realizing we were doing this altogether and how powerful that is...it felt so ancient and pretty powerful to feel that sense of healing. I don't even feel like there are words, honestly, to explain it. I was feeling very grateful.
I felt every sensation, numbness, pain, burning, and then so much release. And I don't know if it was pleasure...but she just felt so grateful. And I feel like there's a different sense of intimacy with myself because there was so much trust and gentleness, and she just feels so seen, and I feel so seen. And I did not expect that all. Fuck. And I just don't have very many words."

"Physically my body manifested through sounds and movement. It was an interesting experiment of being aware of your physical body amidst such intense emotions coming up. Due to being in a few embodiment sessions with Amanda previously I was able to not get swept up in the emotions of it only, but to feel physically my body was feeling. That was a wonderful, healing experience for me. The level of relaxation my body must have been in to allow itself to manifest so unhindered speaks wonders to how regulated Amanda's nervous system is and how mine mirrored hers in this session. It was certainly one of the most healing moments of my life."

"I hardly have words. I felt a lot of things but one of my favorite things was realizing we were doing this altogether and how powerful that is...it felt so ancient and pretty powerful to feel that sense of healing. I don't even feel like there are words, honestly, to explain it. I was feeling very grateful.
I felt every sensation, numbness, pain, burning, and then so much release. And I don't know if it was pleasure...but she just felt so grateful. And I feel like there's a different sense of intimacy with myself because there was so much trust and gentleness, and she just feels so seen, and I feel so seen. And I did not expect that all. Fuck. And I just don't have very many words."
And THAT was really awesome, it was one of my biggest things."

"In the beginning, dropping into my body...and connecting to my outer lips...everything external I was very comfortable with. But then when we went internal it all changed. I was like "Woah, I don't know this part of myself!" At first it was painful, and then it was just numb. "I just don't feel anything. Why don't I feel anything?" And this was so unknown to me. And as we moved down I was like "Oh, okay I feel something here." And then I was like, "WOAH that is amazing!" I have never experienced this part of myself!" I was exploring and feeling, and it was super sensational . I was like "Oh my gosh, wow!" It was just a whole other world. And moving back up, was when it was like, "Wow!" This is a type of intimacy with myself that I have never experienced before, getting to know my inner world and inside of me so deeply -- like literally. It was a different type of intimacy I feel like I've never experienced. And then I did find some pain again, and noticing where I felt numb, and where I felt pain, and lots of pleasure. And that was really interesting to just feel, and just notice, and to create that awareness and relationship with myself. It was really beautiful. I noticed in my own self pleasure practice the outer part of myself is the only thing I have ever explored, ever. I noticed that this has been really really healing. I noticed I have avoided the inner part of myself, even when it comes to sex with my partner. It was really beautiful."

"I feel like one of the best parts was just knowing that we were all doing this together. And what it really was, was just connecting within ourselves I feel like in a way we created a vortex within this container. I feel like there were moments when I completely disconnected, and then I reconnected. And there were moments I was so connected I wasn't even really here. I didn't experience a lot of pain and discomfort. It was more like, "It's about damn time you're connecting in this way. This is how it's supposed to be." And even surrounding to pleasure, and connecting in that way without it being sexualized.
And THAT was really awesome, it was one of my biggest things."

"I feel like afterwards, I didn't want to come back. It was just so intimate, I didn't want to come back for a moment. I just needed to be with myself and bathe in that for a moment. It was really beautiful. And it was interesting, I experienced a range of things. It feels like I get to be held in this, and supported in it."

"I have no words, just so many emotions, and so many feelings. I'm just feeling connected knowing there is someone else here having the same feelings that I am having right now, going through the same roller coaster ride that I'm going through. So that was my favorite. You are just an amazing guide, Amanda. It was really nice. I've read like THREE books this year that walk you through like yoni massages, and anatomy, and things to do, but I haven't done any of them. I don't know why I'm resisting, I usually think it's because I read too fast and don't slow down and actually do what the books say. But this is amazing that this is in my life right now and I'm choosing to do it right now. Thank you. I was really comfortable on the outside and then as soon as we went inside, my brain was like, "I'm done. Why is this taking so long? Why am I just holding my hand here for so long? This isn't fun." And I had so much pain. I had no pain on the other half, but all the pain was on the left side. And I've been complaining about pain during sex for a few years now. And whenever my husband asks, "Where?" I'm always like, "I don't know." So now it's so crazy to know exactly where it hurts. I'm looking forward to doing it again. In a lot of ways it reminds me of birth. It was really good, and really emotional. I did even let myself cry once."

"I experienced something I was longing to experience. And that was to be able to trust other women. I long for friendships that I'm not the leader in. I tend to attract friendships where I'm gathering them up and I'm like, "Come along! Let's get better now!" And in this practice, in this container, it was a call for me to trust YOU. And I realized the resistance that I felt to that, and the gift that is. And the gift that I felt anything about it.
Such a gift. I'm feeling very grateful."

"I have been much more in tune with my whole body, not just my yoni. Life seems richer, fuller, and I feel way more alive. Sometimes it feels like I have a sunburst of energy in my wombspace just ready to create a new reality for my world, and that is beyond exciting! Being willing to sit with the pain has been a life altering perspective that has translated into life altering pleasure and I am forever grateful!"